Rosa ‘Hope for Humanity’ (Hardy Canadian Rose) – Grown by High Country Roses


Photo by High Country Roses

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A hardy shrub that reaches 5 to 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide with glossy, dark green foliage,large clusters of deep red buds with high centers resemble small hybrid tea blooms. Hope for Humanity is part of the Parkland Series of Canadian roses bred at the Morden Research Center and is named in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Red Cross. Zone 3. Habit: shrub. Flowers: deep red, semi-double. Blooms June to frost. Light requirements: full sun, partial shade. Keep moist. Organically rich, Well-Drained soils. 5-6 feet high. 4 feet wide. Light fragrance. Continuous bloom. Own root rose (not grafted). 6-8 hours sunlight preferred. Plant crown 2-3 inches below ground surface. Avoid spraying foliage with water.

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High Country Roses