Houseplant Appreciation Day – January 10, 2024

Written By Marla Smith, Laramie County Master Gardener

What is Houseplant Appreciation Day?

Houseplant Appreciation Day is an annual event celebrated on January 10th, dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the beauty and benefits of houseplants. It’s a day to honor these green companions that bring life and vibrancy to our indoor spaces. Whether you have a small collection or a jungle-like oasis, Houseplant Appreciation Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate and care for your leafy friends.

How to choose the right houseplant for your home

My journey into indoor gardening began in high school when my sister gave me a cutting from her Swedish Ivy plant.  With a successful start, I added Wandering Jews, Spider Plants, and Burro’s Tail succulents to my collection.  Enjoying the beauty of houseplants sparked a gardening passion which I then took outdoors.  It is safe to say that I have garden year-round for year all the while never leaving Wyoming! 

Selecting the right houseplant for your home can be a delightful experience. However, it’s important to consider a few factors to ensure the plant thrives in its new environment. First, assess the lighting conditions in your home. Some plants thrive in bright, indirect light, while others prefer low light conditions. Understanding the lighting requirements of a plant will help you find the perfect spot for it in your home.

Next, consider the level of care and maintenance you are willing to provide. Some houseplants are more demanding than others, requiring regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing. If you’re a beginner or have a busy lifestyle, opt for low-maintenance plants that can withstand occasional neglect. Succulents, snake plants, and ZZ plants are great choices for those who want to dip their toes into the world of houseplants.

Additionally, consider the available space in your home. If you have limited floor space, consider plants that can be placed on shelves or hung from the ceiling. On the other hand, if you have ample floor space, larger plants like monstera or fiddle leaf figs can make a bold statement. Consider the overall aesthetic of your home and choose plants that complement your existing decor.

Houseplant resources and communities

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge and connect with fellow plant enthusiasts, there are numerous resources and communities available at your fingertips. Here are a few to explore:

  1. Online Plant Care Guides: Many websites offer comprehensive plant care guides that provide detailed information on specific plant varieties. These guides typically include information on light requirements, watering needs, and common issues to watch out for.
  2. Social Media Plant Communities: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are home to thriving plant communities. Join groups dedicated to houseplants, follow plant influencers, and participate in discussions to share knowledge and learn from others.
  3. Local Plant Nurseries: Visit our local plant shops to connect with experts and fellow plant lovers. They can provide valuable advice and help you source unique plants for your collection.
  4. Botanical Gardens: Explore Cheyenne’s botanical garden and travel to those in Colorado.  Attend workshops or classes dedicated to houseplants. 

Houseplant Appreciation Day 2024 is a day to celebrate the beauty and benefits of houseplants. So, grab your watering can, put on your gardening gloves, and join us as we celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day!

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